Starting up a new business?

Starting your own business will be one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. There will be some challenging times ahead. When starting your own business finding out exactly what you need to know and have in place is the first and most important step.

For many people the completing of tax returns, accounting for VAT and running a Payroll will be something they haven’t done before.


How can we help?

Adam Brucely welcomes start-up businesses to come and talk to us. We can help you from day one by looking at your cashflow position, which is one of the most important factors for any new business; by helping you to find the best bookkeeping system for your business and by discussing your options for the best tax savings available.

We can assist with the preparation of a business plan and choose the best structure for your business. We can also help you with raising finance for all aspects of your business.

We can guide you through the whole start up process.

Our services and advice extend to:

  • Helping you decide on the company structure:
    – sole trader
    – partnership
    – limited liability partnership
    – limited company
  • Business registration with Companies House and HMRC
  • Building business plans and projections
  • Setting up Payroll and VAT record keeping
  • Help and advice with Bookkeeping and Software Packages
  • Sourcing finance

Whether you are planning to be self-employed and run a business or you want to look after your family financial affairs, consult us now for the best solution.

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